

Swiss banks looking for heirs to reckless accounts of billions .. Look for the name of your ancestors

Banks in Switzerland have full secrecy. These banks are known to have full bank accounts in the world, and no other country has the equivalent of it. Only a customer can check his account and spend his money. These funds are not transferred to the heirs automatically. Obtained after the death of the account holder.

But the secrecy and secrecy that Swiss banks provide to their clients is causing these banks a big crisis. There are hundreds of stagnant accounts that have not been touched for more than half a century. These accounts carry billions of dollars, making money accumulate in those banks,.

In response to the crisis, Swiss banks announced their willingness to give the money to the heirs of the account holder as soon as they submit a request to the bank and documents proving their relationship with the account holder.

The Swiss Parliament has passed a law on the transfer of such funds, which states that accounts that are not touched by the owners for 10 years, and those accounts are stagnant for 50 years, will be published data of those secret accounts for the heirs to obtain them.

For that purpose, the Swiss Government has launched a special site to publish data on those accounts, so that individuals can search for accounts of their grandparents.

You can search the site using a family name system, check the lists of stagnant accounts, and if you find the name of one of your grandparents on those lists, just fill in a request form for the refund. These banks advise people claiming their right to the funds , To deal with the matter very seriously, and to provide the bank with the necessary information about the client account holder, as well as request documents proving relationship ratios.

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