

Robots are grown and harvested without human intervention!

Scientists in Britain have been able to develop robots capable of growing, cultivating and harvesting crops without any human intervention.

In a test of these machines, scientists at the University of Harper Adams last year launched the project "Hands-Free Hectare", where they were able to rely fully on the cultivation of a whole hectare of land in Shropshire province barley crop, and the machines were able to do all the tasks of agriculture, Crop without any human intervention.

Experts used the government grant of £ 200,000 to convert agricultural tractors and combine harvesters into self-developed robot robots equipped with artificial intelligence programs, optical and thermal cameras and sensors capable of monitoring plant growth and analyzing soil elements. They also plant seeds, plow and harvest crops Completely independent.

They explained that the results obtained during a year of experiments showed that this method is cheaper and more practical than the dependence on the human factor in the cultivation of agricultural crops, and the technology used in them helps greatly improve crop control and increase productivity.

Scientists from the United States have taken a similar step when they developed a small agricultural robot with special sensors and GPS devices to monitor the growth of plants in agricultural fields.

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