

Japan releases the first commercial Car Transformer for sale; it's electric and changes its shape

If you suffer to park in your city, and you are also a fan of Transformers , your prayers have been heard, at least in Japan, where they have developed a car that can be made compact at the push of a button.

Now it is possible for the Japanese to be transported with all the style and not suffer when finding only a small space to leave their car, and without a doubt, if this is a success, it will soon spread throughout the world.

It is the Earth-1, manufactured by Four Link Systems, in Japan, in search of what they have called "ultra-compact mobility", and that in that nation, the question of space of truth is a priority issue.

The interesting thing about this vehicle is that with a push of a button it becomes "folding", and thus it can fit anywhere. As if that were not enough, it's electric.

The initial expectation is to sell 300 cars a year, with an initial cost of 70 thousand dollars, and it is thought that it can be useful, from the start, in airports and places with high concentrations of tourists.

Kunio Okawara, a Japanese artist who worked for the popular anime Gundam , was responsible for the design.

The company was founded in 1999, and currently its president is Hiroomi Kinoshita, and they already have important business partners, such as Mitsubishi. Among its services is the planning and sale of mobility vehicles.

For the manufacturing industry, the development and sale of electronic learning systems; development and sale of rehabilitation robots; development and sale of functional safety products. In addition, state-of-the-art automotive technology R & D, design and consignment work for development.

An interesting design, of which there are already 30 orders. You just have to wait and see how it works in everyday conditions, but at the beginning it seems like a big step forward for mobility in big cities, like Tokyo.

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