This device senses objects with the help of Ultrasonic Sensor and hence can work even during night times. Also we are mounting the Ultra Sonic sensor over a servo motor.
This servo motor can be either be set to rotate automatically to scan the area or can be rotated manually using our Mobile app, so you can focus the ultrasonic sensor in our required direction and sense the objects present over there. Watch the video to learn how to make a adruino radar system at home./circuitdigest
The Ultrasonic Sensor is a very affordable proximitydistance sensor that has been used mainly for object avoidance in various robotics projects . It essentially gives your Arduino eyes spacial awareness and can prevent your robot from crashing or falling off a table.
It has also been used in turret applications, water level sensing, and even as a parking sensor. This simple project will use the HC-SR04 sensor with an Arduino and a Processing sketch to provide a neat little interactive display on your computer screen./instructables
A +5V power supply ( I am using my Arduino (another) board for power supply)
Arduino Mega (You can use anything from pro mini to Yun)
Servo Motor (any rating)
Bluetooth Module (HC-05)
Ultra Sonic Sensor (HC-SR04)
Breadboard (not mandatory)
Connecting wires
Android mobile
Computer for programming