How to Make a Simple DIY Metal Detector At Home

This could be a fun project to learn basic electronics. And then hunt for buried treasure in their backyard. Many people get addicted to metal-detecting.Today we will make a DIY mini metal detector. It is not that difficult to make a DIY metal detector. It just takes some patience and your willingness.

The electric components used in the video are not expensive at all. That is why if you decided to make the project, this tutorial will certainly help you a lot.The initial diagram of the simplest metal detector was too difficult for beginners and young electronics lovers.

That is why I didn’t assemble the circuit in a confusing way but rather I soldered the components neatly. I also designed an upgraded diagram.

I made it simpler and now each willing person even those who are not into electronics can follow through all the steps of making the DIY metal detector in the video.You’ll see them waving their detectors around the beach, hunting for lost necklaces and sea-wrecked coins. Many love it for the adrenaline rush of lucrative windfall.

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