

The Russian Scorpion flying bike failed to test the Dubai Police. what happened to pilot is insane (video)

The Scorpion bike, produced by Russian company Hoversurf, lost control during its test flight this week in Dubai, according to a report by the Interesting Engineering website.

And the company - which is based in Russia - has achieved successful tests in Russia, but the new test has put question marks on the quality of its systems to deal with difficult situations, especially as the bike aims to join the ranks of Dubai police as a flying motorcycle.

It takes some courage to jump into an outdoor climbing machine with four rotating fans close to the pilot's legs, not to mention the only protection is a bike helmet and some shields.

When the plane is going wrong
When a flying bike was tested in a secluded area in Dubai, those who stood around it most likely did not expect what would happen within seconds. When the pilot jumped over the flying bike and boarded up to 30 meters in the air, the barometer suddenly stopped, according to the Hoferserv company, and the pilot began with Flying motorbike rushes to the solid concrete ground.

Before the collision, the hovercraft slid back and forth, then it looked as if the machine could not figure out how to stay horizontal and landed heavily on its hind trusses, before turning upside down as the pilot pulled under it, as the front fans continued to spin.

Fortunately the pilot escaped, but the plane crashed, and according to the Hofserv company on its video clip on YouTube, "The barometer failed in the test bike plane in Dubai and the accident occurred at a height of 30 meters, all safety systems worked well, and the pilot did not hurt, safety is our main concern, Thanks to such accidents, our designs are safer. "

It is impressive or completely stupid to perform such a test on hard concrete, as these tests usually take place over water or on ropes, but it is still a good day as long as no one is seriously injured and safety guidelines have been adhered to, says the Intersting Engineering website.

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