

The US Navy invented a machine that forces people to shut up

 The US Navy has invented a portable acoustic disturbance device that records a person's words and sends them back to them in real time, disrupting their concentration and silencing them, The Independent reported on August 24.

The Portable Acoustic Call and Disturbance System (AHAD) was developed by engineers at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, a US Navy military research base in Indiana. In particular, Navy engineers designed top secret handheld weapons like these. The AHAD received its patent in 2019 but was not discovered until this year.

“ Using directional microphones and speakers capable of creating a focused sound beam, only the target speaker's voice will be picked up by the system, and only the target speaker will hear the transmitted sound ,” the patent details. “ The resulting Auditory Delayed Feedback (DAF) effect disrupts the target speaker's concentration, making it difficult to continue speaking. In short, he will be forced to shut up.

The AHAD system falls under the category of non-lethal weapon systems, weapons designed to achieve a precise effect without causing permanent damage. This is not the first sonic weapon designed by the US military. In particular, the Navy has a long-range acoustic cannon, which diffuses focused sonic waves at very high decibel levels, causing severe pain. It is used to dispel protesters, in whom the cannon can cause migraines and ringing in the ears, for a week.

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