

10 first basics mechanical movements description and applications


1. Illustrates the transmission of power by simple pulleys and an open belt. In this case both of the pulleys rotate in the same direction.

2. Differs from 1 in the substitution of a crossed belt for the open one. In this case the direction of rotation of the pulleys is reversed.

By arranging three pulleys, side by side, upon the shaft to be driven, the middle one fast and the other two loose upon it, and using both an open and a crossed belt, the direction of the said shaft is enabled to be reversed without stopping or reversing the driver, One belt will always run on the fast pulley, and the other on one of the loose pulleys. The shaft will be driven in one direction or the other, according as the open or crossed belt is on the fast pulley.

3. A method of transmitting motion from a shaft at right angles to another, by means of guide-pulleys. There are two of these pulleys, side by side, one for each leaf of the belt.

4- A method of transmitting motion from a shaft at right angles to another whose axis is in the same plane. This is shown with a Crossed belt. An open belt may be used, but the crossed one is preferable, as it gives more surface of contact.

5. Resembles 1, with the addition of a movable tightening. pulley, B. When this pulley is pressed against the band to take

up the slack, the belt transmits motion from one of the larger pulleys to the other ; but when it is not, the belt is so slack as not to transmit motion.

6. By giving a vibratory motion to the lever secured to the semi-circular segment, the belt attached to the said segment impartsa reciprocating rotary motion to the two pulleys below.

7- A method of engaging, disengaging, and reversing the upright shaft at the left.
The belt is shown on the middle one of the three pulleys on the lower shafts, @, 2, which pulley is loose, and consequently no movement is communicated to the said shafts.
When the belt is traversed on the left-hand pulley, which is fast on the hollow shaft, 4, carrying the bevel-gear, B, motion is communicated in one direction to the upright shaft; and on its being traversed on to theright-hand pulley, motion is transmitted through the gear, A, fast on the shaft, a, which runs inside of 4, and the direction of the upright shaft is reversed.

8. Speed-pulleys used for lathes and other mechanical tools, for varying the speed according to the work operated upon.

9. Cone-pulleys for the same purpose as 8. This motion is used in cotton machinery, and in all machines which are required to run with a gradually increased or diminished speed.

10. Is a modification of 9, the pulleys being of different shape.

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