

10 6th basics mechanical movements description and applications


50 and 51. Two kinds ot universal joints.


52. Another kind of clutch-box. The disk-whecl to the right has two holes, corresponding to the studs fixed in the other disk ; and, being pressed against it, the studs enter the holes, when the two disks rotate together.

53- The vertical shaft is made to drive the horizontal one in either direction, as may be desired, by means of the double-clutch and bevel-gears. The gears on the horizontal shaft are loose, and are driven in opposite directions by the third gear; the double- clutch slides upon a key or feather fixed on the horizontal shaft, which is made to ro- tate either to the right or left. according to the side on which it is engaged.

54 Mangle or star-wheel, for producing an alternating rotary motion.

55. Different velocity given to two gears, A and C, on the same shaft, by the pinion, D.

56. Used for throwing in and out of gear the speed-motion on lathes. On depressing the lever, the shaft of the large wheel is drawn backward by reason of the slot in which it slides being cut eccentrically to the center or fulcrum of the lever,

57. The small pulley at the top being the driver, the large, internally-toothed gear and the concentric gear within will be driven in Opposite directions by the bands, and at the same time will impart motion to the intermediate pinion at the bottom, both around its own center and also around the common center of the two concentric gears.

58. For transmitting three different speeds by gearing. The lower part of the band is shown ona loose pulley. The next pulley is fixed on the main shaft, on the other end of which is fixed a small spur-gear. The next pulley .s fixed on a hollow shaft run- ning on the main shaft, and there is se- cured to it a second spur-gear, larger than the first. The fourth and last pulley to the left is fixed on another hollow shaft running loosely on the last-named, on the other end of which is fixed the still larger spur-gear nearest to the pulley. As the band is made to traverse from one pulley to another, it transmits three different velocities to the shaft below.

59. For transmitting two speeds by gear- ing. The band is shown on the loose pul- ley—the left-hand one of the lower three. The middle pulley is fixed on the same shaft as the small pinion, and the pullcy to the right on a hollow shaft, on the end of which is fixed the large spur-gear. When the band is on the middle pulley a slow motion is transmitted to the shaft below ; but when it is on the right-hand pulley a quick speed is given, proportionate to the diameter of the gears.

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